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Happy Birthday with love from Lunch Bunch

Fruit Boat a birthday dinner centerpiece

It was a birthday party I have been invited to, where the birthday girl was an owner of a successful restaurant business in a desirable location of Adelaide. She is a healthy eater and loves fruits and berries.

Couple month before we were talking how awesome it would be to buy a cruising boat to spend weekends on the water. We even went to inspect one in Northen Heavens, but as we were there looking at it, someone has paid a deposit (( 

I didn't think long about the birthday party, the idea to make this boat hit me right away. In a couple of days, the shape was done, the masts were installed and even the cookies were finished with words printed, reading "Happy Birthday with love from Lunch Bunch". 

We arrived earlier at the restaurant and done the setup with friends, and when she walked in, she was just stunned. It looked fresh and juicy in the middle of the restaurant table. Other customers were staring at our centrepiece asking contact details.

I must say that the food at Ballaboosta is incredible! We had a great dinner and instead of having coffee and cakes (as we all usually do at the end of a dinner, and then suffer from all that sugar and caffeine mixing with wines just before the bedtime), we got more wines and enjoyed the boat's load of freshest sweet fruits and berries.

And guess what?! The next day the girls said that no one had any hangover (though we stayed very late dancing the night away) So we all decided it was the best idea to have this healthy arrangement for all dinner parties, instead of cakes.

It looks great! Its super appealing and brings so much freshness and aroma to the table. You don't need any extra plates or cutlery after dinner to enjoy this desert creation. And the most important, the shape of this edible centrepiece could be custom made to suit your theme or secret message. 

Think of BabyShowers - a cute Pram full of yummy ingredients, Engagement party - a Diamond Ring covered with your favourites, Sports events - a shape of a bike, football, a tennis racket ... You name it and you will be surprised what we can come up with together!




Fruit Boat

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